Trapper LTD is a disposable cardboard glue trap, 8″ x 4″ (approx. 203mm x 101mm), that captures mice, roaches and insects without poison. Its powerful adhesive is applied to a cardboard trap and covered with a special release paper. These traps can be used in the Trapper 24/7 Multiple Catch Mouse traps, also by Bell Laboratories.
To use, peel back the release paper and place Trapper LTD flat against walls or in corners. Drop this economical glue trap in the trash after use.
Key Features:
- Mouse capture without snap traps or rodenticides.
- Easy monitoring of insect pests.
- Simply dispose in the garbage after use.
- Non-scented for use in sensitive areas (there is a slight odor of the glue itself).
- Inexpensive method of control.
- Mice and insects die on the board, rather than an unknown location.
- Fits in Trapper 24/7 Multiple Catch Mouse Trap
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.