Shuttle O Miticide is the first product from the Napthoquinone derivative class of chemistry (MOA Group 20B). Because of its unique chemical class, this miticide is an excellent choice as a rotational tool for control of two-spotted spider mites, spruce spider
mites, and other mites.
Shuttle O is effective on all life cycle stages of two spotted spider mites and spruce spider mites through both contact and ingestion. The miticide works by interfering with energy production in the mitochondria of the target pest’s cells. Shuttle O features a unique mode of action with no cross-resistance to other miticides. It is an ideal fit in a mite resistance management strategy.
Key Features:
- Long-term residual control (21 days)
- Unique mode of action with no cross-resistance
- Control of all mite life stages (egg, larvae, nymphs, adults)
- Virtually harmless to predacious mites and beneficial insects
- Reduced Risk pesticide classification
- Broad use area labeling – inside, outside, interior scapes, greenhouse fruiting vegetables
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.