SedgeHammer+Plus offers a unique product concept in a more convenient packaging size while maintaining the same efficacy of nutsedge control that the market has grown accustomed to with the SedgeHammer brand name.
SedgeHammer+Plus contains a dry, non-ionic surfactant in the formulation, eliminating the need for additional additives when mixing. The built-in surfactant will reduce confusion for the consumer and ensure great results when treating for nutsedge.
Control of more than just yellow and purple nutsedge, including weeds such as Cocklebur, Corn spurry, horsetail, Rice flatsedge, Philadelphia fleabane, Galinsoga, Annual kyllinga, Ladysthumb, Wild mustard, Smooth pigweed and other tough broadleaf weeds.
Key Benefits:
- Additional surfactant no longer needed, already included in this formula..
- Low use rate 13.5 grams per 1000 square feet.
- Controls nutsedge by moving through the plant and affecting the underground growing points (rhizomes and tubers).
- Post-emergence control of nutsedge in cool and warm season turfgrass (including St. Augustine grass, Bermuda grass, Kentucky bluegrass, tall and fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass)
- Considered as one of the more “gentle to turfgrass” products.
- Pets and people can return to treated area once spray dries.
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.