Safari 20 SG Insecticide, a super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown, controls a broad spectrum of ferocious and invasive pests, including Q- and B-biotype whitefly, Hemlock woolly adelgid, emerald ash borer, mealybug, leaf miner, fungus gnat, black vine weevil, glassy-winged sharpshooter, armored and soft scales and lace bug—some of the most costly pests that affect trees, shrubs and herbaceous ornamentals in the landscape and production ornamental markets.
Key Features:
- Provides insect control in ornamental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, outdoor landscapes and interior plantscapes
- Apply as a foliar spray, broadcast spray, soil drench, soil injection, basal bark spray, or via chemigation
- Speed of insect control will range from as little as one day for small herbaceous plants in containers, to several days in larger trees growing in the landscape
- Can be applied as a foliar spray, broadcast spray, soil drench, soil injection, basal bark spray, and via chemigation for insect control in ornamental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, outdoor landscapes and interior plantscapes
- When applied as a foliar spray, the product offers translaminar and locally systemic control of foliar pests
- Super-systemic: fast uptake, increased concentration
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.