Phyton-27 is a systemic bactericide & fungicide that when mixed with the appropriate volume of water, provides systemic, preventative and curative activity on a broad-spectrum of bacterial and fungal diseases listed on the product label.
Phyton 27’s patented formula enables its active ingredient to be absorbed into the plant’s vascular tissue where it can move up, down, and across the plant killing pathogens that have attacked the internal plant tissues. When following label use directions, Phyton 27 provides a long-lasting, 21-day residual that leaves no visible residue.
Phyton 27 is intended for use on nursery and greenhouse non-edible or consumable crops such as: Annual & Perennial Bedding Plants, Potted Flowering Crops, Nursery Crops, Cut Flower Crops, Herbaceous & Woody Stock Plants and Cuttings, Tropical Foliage Crops and is suitable for post-harvest dip applications on cut flower crops.
Phyton-27 may be applied by spray, drench, dip or injection. Equipment must be calibrated before use. Please note: Do not apply this product through any system using aluminum parts or components as damage to the system may occur.
Key Features:
- Systemic delivery so the treatment is readily absorbed and moves throughout the plant
- Preventive & Curative for root and foliar diseases
- Use throughout the growing season, from propagation up to the time of harvest
- Low risk of phytotoxicity (when used as directed)
- Resists wash-off. Saves time and money on spray applications
- Highly effective at times of plant stressors (i.e. during propagation, transplantation, transportation, and disease-inducing weather conditions)
- Compatible with most Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs and bio controls
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.