Eraser Max Super Concentrated Herbicide is ideal for controlling grass, broadleaf weeds, brush and vines. It’s fast acting and kills weeds up to one year from just one application. Use as total vegetation control or as a spot treatment for all season long control.
Eraser Max is ideal for fence rows, gravel paths, sidewalks, driveways, parking areas and around farm buildings and barns. After proper application, Eraser Max is rainfast within one hour. For outdoor use only.
Key Features:
- Super Concentrated Herbicide
- Ideal for controlling grass, broadleaf weeds, brush and vines
- One application kills weeds for up to one year
- Rainfast within 1 hour
- Use as total vegetation control or as a spot treatment for all season long control
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.