InVict Xpress Granular Bait is a proprietary broad spectrum, multi-granule bait matrix with Imidacloprid that provides extremely fast kill of a variety of insects including ants, crickets, cockroaches, mole crickets, earwigs, firebrats, and silverfish. The powerful combination Imidacloprid and the irresistible bait matrix prove too much for listed insects and rapidly kill large populations. Use indoors, outdoors, and on turf. No personal protection equipment (PPE) required.
Key Features:
- InVict Xpress is a broad spectrum granule bait ( kills ants, cockroaches, crickets, mole crickets, silverfish, firebrats and earwigs)
- Combo of active ingredient and bait matrix is ideal for heavy insect populations resulting in insect carnage.
- Indoor, outdoor, and turf use
- No PPE ( personal protective equipment ) required.
- Made in USA
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.