InVade Bio Foam effectively removes organic build-up, odors, and scum in kitchens. The combination of citrus, foam, and premium microbes works fast on scum, organic build-up, and odors. Because InVade Bio Foam is delivered as a foam it is able to maintain contact on hard to clean areas like baseboards, outsides of beverage lines, and drain covers eliminating scum.
Key Features:
- The ultimate green cleaner that works more effectively than simple chemical cleaners in areas of chronic moisture and organic matter
- Super-concentrated foaming formula contains a blend of premium, natural microbes and citrus oil for eliminating organic build-up and odors
- Designed to integrate with the Foamer Simpson pump-up foamer or a powered foamer for application
- The powerful probiotics actually digest organic matter – the microbe spores activate when in contact with their food source (organic debris)
- The foam coats areas with organic build-up to provide a longer contact time
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.