InTice Thiquid Ant Bait attracts and kills all common household ants Including: Argentine white footed ants, little black ants, odorous house ants, rover ants, crazy and harvester ants.
InTice Thiquid Ant Bait is for use in and around: Homes, hospitals, restaurants, apartments, grocery stores, institutional buildings, schools, cafeterias, warehouses,
storage areas, food processing plants, mobile homes, boats, military bases, theaters, nursing homes, and on military, commercial, and cruise ships.
Controlling and Eliminating Ants: First ants will come in large numbers, but soon disappear. This product is formulated to allow worker ants to consume the product and survive long enough to carry the liquid back to the nest and deliver a dose to the rest of the colony. Monitor the placements and ensure there is always a fresh supply of InTice Thiquid Ant Bait at each placement.
Key Features:
- Odorless formula stays where it is applied, will not run on flat surfaces.
- Naturally derived active ingredient. Suitable for green service programs.
- Contains a blend of premium food ingredients.
- Attracts ants fast.
- Non-repellent.
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.