Garden Insect Dust is a Broad Spectrum Ready-To-Use Insecticide. It controls many insect pests on vegetables and ornamentals. CONTAINS: 0.25% Permethrin. This insecticide can be used on many ornamentals plants for both indoors and outdoors use, as well as on home vegetable gardens.
Garden Insect Dust eliminates many caterpillars, beetles and leafhoppers i.e. Japanese beetles, tent caterpillars, fall armyworms, flea beetles, and many more. RATE: Dust lightly to cover both upper and lower leaf surfaces with a thin, even film of dust. APPLICATION: Use a dust applicator.
Key Features:
- Controls many insects
- Ready-to-use
- For use on vegetable crops and ornamentals
- For both indoor and outdoor use
- Contains Permethrin
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.