Southern Ag’s Chelated General Purpose Flower & Garden Nutritional Spray is used for the correction and prevention of minor element deficiencies in flower beds, vegetable gardens, lawns and shrubs.
Chelated General Purpose Flower & Garden Nutritional Spray can be applied as a foliage drench spray to the point of run of, a soil drench spray around the entire root area, or on lawns.
For foliage application: Mix 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. Apply to give thorough coverage of upper and lower surfaces of foliage. Spray an amount sufficient to cause runoff of spray.
Key Features:
- Can be used on all plants including lawns.
- Contains 6 important nutrients including iron.
- Prevents & corrects deficiencies that cause yellowing.
- Mixes with water.
- Is used as a foliar drench, soil/root drench or lawn drench.
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.