Advion Cockroach Bait Arenas can be used to control cockroach populations indoors and outdoors with the active ingredient indoxacarb, an insecticide that acts through ingestion by cockroaches. Advion Cockroach Bait Arenas are a high-performing product from Syngenta Professional Products targeting all prevailing pest species of cockroaches.
Advion Cockroach Bait Arenas formulation maintains its integrity for extended periods based on the exceptional active ingredient – Indoxacarb; and the specially designed entry holes to the arena that allow both large and small species of cockroaches to enter.
- The bait’s slow-acting active ingredient provides enough time for cockroaches to transfer it throughout the colony by touching and indirectly through feeding on feces or poisoned carcasses.
- Easy-to-use and long-lasting.
- No residue or odor
- Pet and children safe
- Bait arena packaging allows for easy placement indoors or outdoors where cockroaches are located
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.