Thuricide BT Caterpillar Control is a biological insecticide for the control of worms and caterpillars on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and shade trees.
This product is made from a bacteria that is toxic to certain pests. Thuricide BT Caterpillar Control’s new formulation is OMRI approved.
Thuricide BT Caterpillar Control must be eaten by worms or caterpillars to be effective. After ingesting the insecticide, they immediately stop feeding, though they may otherwise appear to be unaffected for several days. Best results are obtained by treatments when worms are small; they must be actively feeding on treated, exposed foliage. You may apply Thuricide BT Caterpillar Control up to and on the day of harvest.
Key Features:
- Easy to mix liquid.
- Kills worms and caterpillar stage insects, but has no effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects, such as honeybees and ladybugs, when used as directed.
- Worms and caterpillars eat treated foliage, then immediately stop feeding and damaging plants.
- Acceptable for use on edible plants up to the day of harvest.
- OMRI Listed, for organic use.
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.