InVade Bio Drain Gel combines citrus oil and premium microbes in formulation thick enough to coat the insides of drains allowing it to eliminate odors and eat through scum. When first using InVade Bio Drain apply every other day for the first week and then continue to use once a week afterwards. Use InVade Bio Drain in the drain lines of the soda machine drip tray to clear out sugar snakes that eventually clog the drain lines.
InVade Bio Drain can be also be used with a hose end sprayer or in a mopping solution. The citrus oil has a great scent and provides extra cleaning power.
Key Features:
- Thickened microbial formula easily coats the sides of drains.
- InVade Bio Drain advanced formula eats through drain scum and organic material.
- InVade Bio Drain allows drains to run freely and prevents costly blockages.
- Won’t damage pipes.
- Can be diluted with water for mopping or surface treatments.
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.