Ferti-lome Dipel Dust is an easy to use biological insecticide dust for the control of pest worms on vegetables, flowers, shrubs and lawns. One bite of treated foliage and within minutes worms stop feeding and eventually die.
Ferti-lome Dipel Dust is easy to use for killing Tomato Hornworms, Bagworms, Armyworms, Webworms, Gypsy Moth Larvae, Cankerworms, Loopers, Tent Caterpillar, Tomato Fruit worms, Sod Webworms, Variegated Cutworms, Imported Cabbage Worms, Rind worms, Melon worms and other listed Worms.
Key features:
- Kills a number of crop destroying insects such as Bagworms, Armyworms, Tent Caterpillar, and more.
- Can be used on vegetables, shrubs, lawns and flowers to kill insects biologically.
- Dipel dust insecticide provides quick and easy application.
- Simply dust insecticide over plants when pests and their damage first appear.
- Applications rates vary with plant type and dimensions. See label for application instructions.
*HomeandGardenSupply.com always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.